5 Things That Can Cause acid Reflux Symptoms

Acid reflux symptoms may be triggered through many different and diverse problems. It is a growing concern in today’s society and has been on the rise for a long time. Here are 5 of the most common factors that creates acid reflux symptoms.

Acid reflux symptoms

One of the principal causes of acid reflux is the food which we eat and the lifestyles that we live. There are certain foods which naturally spark the creation of digestive acids and they should be avoided. Other foods act to loosen the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is also a primary cause of acid reflux.

Here are 5 more conditions that lead to acid reflux symptoms.

1- The amount of acid produced in the stomach: Either not enough or an excessive amount of acid can be a contributing factor. Producing too much stomach acid is called hyperhydrochlorhydria. If we create an excessive amount of acid the digestion system is unable to send it all into the small intestine and it begins to back up into the esophagus causing acid reflux symptoms. If we do not produce adequate acid it is referred to as hypochlorhydria. Acid production is a component of the digestive process and if we don't produce enough then meals are not broken down properly. This in turn prevents a valve known as the pyloric valve which is located at the bottom of the stomach from opening consequently food stays in the digestive system longer and could easily return to the esophagus.

2- Hiatus Hernia: A hiatus hernia is usually caused by a weakened or damaged hiatus (a small hole located towards the top of the diaphragm that enables the esophagus to pass through to the abdomen. The diaphragm is the strong sheet of muscle that separates the organs of the chest from those of the stomach. It may be damaged by sudden physical exertion, straining, persistent coughing, or vomiting and protrudes upwards into the upper body via the diaphragm. This in turn stops a valve known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) from shutting and thus allows the contents of the stomach back into the esophagus.

3- Relaxed lower esophageal sphincter (LES): The LES is a valve in between the esophagus and stomach which opens and closes to enable the passage of food into the stomach. When it is made weaker and loses its shape it will not close properly and allows stomach contents which includes hydrochloric acid to pass back into the esophagus triggering heartburn.

4- Pregnancy: Some women suffer the pain of acid reflux symptoms during pregnancy because the growing baby increases pressure on the stomach and the only way that food can go is back up into the esophagus.

5- Poor Diet plan: Due to the pressures of modern living folks don't have time to relax or eat appropriate meals. People are always on the go and some of the poor habits that triggers heartburn symptoms consist of:

Eating too late and then going to bed soon after

Eating too quickly

Overeating or eating very heavy, tough to digest meals

Not relaxing following a meal and then taking part in arduous exercise

Eating on the move

Lying back to eat

Not really sitting properly at meals

Are you having a unpleasant burning feeling in your upper body or your upper abdomen? Does this discomfort at times radiate into your back? Does it almost feel like you cannot catch your breath? There are various elements that cause acid reflux however they are not all the same for everyone. If you suffer from from acid reflux symptoms you could start by eradicating the five we've mentioned above to start with.

These types of general symptoms can occasionally feel like heart attack symptoms and therefore are often the reason why a number of them show up in hospital emergency rooms each year with them, only to find out that they are acid reflux symptoms.

Go here for more conditions that cause acid reflux symptoms